Katie and Ethan Marc (April 22nd)
Yesterday (April 21st) Katie went into a regularly scheduled checkup for the pregnancy. Her blood pressure was high, along with some protein showing up in her urine. Her doctor sent her to Winnie Palmer to get some more tests. Although her blood tests came back negative for preeclampsia, the high blood pressure (Katie normally has consistently low bp) in combination with protein in her urine have caused Dr. Iurcovich (her obstetrician) to diagnose her with preeclampsia. We're currently at Winnie Palmer undergoing a 24-hour monitoring/test to check the protein levels in her urine.
Dr. Iurcovich came in today and talked with us a little bit. Although he's waiting on the protein levels to know how severe a case of preeclampsia it is, he's already ruled out Katie returning to work through the rest of the pregnancy. She'll be on some form of bed rest until she delivers, although whether that is in the hospital or at home remains to be determined. He still sees Katie delivering, as opposed to a C-section. If Katie remains stable through the rest of the pregnancy, he'll likely induce at 37 weeks.
I certainly can't comprehend how me talking to God affects things, but I do trust what the bible says in James 5:16 that "the effective prayer of a righteous can accomplish much". In your prayers, please lift us up for these things.
1) That God would protect the health of Katie and Ethan
2) That God will continue to bless us by taking care of our needs
3) That Katie and I can both trust in God's sovereignty and protection, as well as follow the teachings of James 1:2-6 to count this as a joy.
- Ken
Update: Katie and Ethan Marc (April 23rd)
Thank you all for your support, love and prayers for us right now! This morning Katie and I found out that her liver enzymes have become elevated. The doctors have prepared us for the possibility that they will do a c-section when Katie gets worse, although at this point she seems to be stabilizing, at least temporarily.
The bottom line is that as long as Katie is stable, Ethan will stay in the womb, but as soon as her levels start to go back up, they'll probably do a C-section. Barring a miracle, Katie will remain in the hospital until she is induced, or they decide to do a C-section.
Please continue in prayer for us, and specifically that God will keep Ethan in the womb as long as possible.
- Ken
Update #2: Katie and Ethan Marc (April 24th)
We are thankful for all your continued prayer and support, we feel very blessed with the community of friends and family that God has placed us in.
I mentioned in the last update that Katie's liver enzymes had become elevated. They've continued to be high, although she is allowed to eat and drink, which means that a C-section is not going happen in the next 8 hours. They started Katie on Magnesium-Sulfate today, to keep her blood pressure down. She immediately had a drop in blood pressure, and her 4:30 pm blood test came back with a normal platelet count (an improvement).
Katie now has 2 drips into her IV line ( a saline, and magnesium-sulfate), and is hooked up to a few different monitors. The mag-sulf is causing her to be a bit groggy, and fairly uncomforable. We're at the point where we're just buying time for Ethan. The longer he is in the womb, the better developed he'll be. Katie is a planner, so this waiting is difficult for her mentally, as well as the side effects, so please pray for her that God strengthens her mentally and spiritually (in addition to physically).
I want you to know that we are not discouraged. God has not changed by this new set of circumstances. God is still worthy of our praise, and we continue to give him glory for this time in our lives. I will be praying for you all as you go to corporate worship services tomorrow. Know that I will miss being there, and please take the opportunity to enter into a special time with God!
As far as visiting us goes, we've chosen to ask for minimal visitors (immediate family) throughout the weekend, and then we'll re-evaluate going into Monday. Your continued prayers are very welcome.
With love and grattitude,
- Ken (and Katie and Ethan)
Update #3: Katie and Ethan Marc (April 25th)
Doc's here to take Katie to Surgery, please pray for us
- Ken
Update #4: Katie and Ethan Marc (April 25th)
Sorry for the really fast update earlier! The doctors decided that Katie wasn't responding as well to the magnesium-sulfate as we'd hoped (side effects mostly). We're out of surgery now, they have Ethan up in the NICU cleaning him up, and Katie's getting sewn up as I write. They let me in the operating room, I was able to hold Katie's hand the whole time.
Now for the details all you mothers are waiting for! 16 inches, 3.3 lbs. (all 10 fingers, and 10 toes). The initial "look over" seemed good, although I'm sure that we'll have more details about how he's doing after the doctor has some time with him. I love you guys, thanks again for praying, and please continue! Here are a couple pictures.
- Ken
Update #5: Katie and Ethan Marc (April 25th)
Friends and Family,
Thank you all for your support. Katie is holding up well, although she's really tired. Her liver enzymes are stable, and her blood pressure is normal at this time. The impression I've gotten is that she's doing well, although the next 24 hours or so will tell us more. Ethan's doing great! (All 3.3 lbs of him) He's breathing normal air, which means that they're not needing to give him extra oxygen. I've been with him pretty much non-stop since about 11:15, and he's opened his eyes a few times, although to say we've made eye-contact would be stretching the truth! He is going to be on a ventilator for a little while, but he's the one initiating each breath. The thought had crossed my mind to wonder if being on a ventilator right away would "train" him to let a machine do the breathing, so I was glad to see that he's doing the breathing!
I know I've sent out a bunch of updates today, I'll plan on this one being my last until tomorrow sometime :-). Please understand if I don't respond individually to each of your wonderful texts, emails, etc., as I wouldn't have any time to give to my wife and son! Know that you are an encouragement to Katie and I, and we love and appreciate you all.
- Ken
Update #6
Friends and Family,
Thank you for your continued support and prayers! Everything is going well, this email is to let you know that I'll now be posting updates on a blog. I'll post about once a day (or more) so feel free to check as often as you want! If you've forwarded my other updates to people, please forward this as well, so that everyone can be up to date! The address is - http://ethanmarcsherman.blogspot.com
- Ken